
If you click on a post, you'll get a GFC comment box instead of the standard blogger one. Click on a the "home page" you'll get a site based comments box in the sidebar and on a non-post non-title page you get a compressed version of the site comments.

The Social bar comments scope match that of the page it is displayed on.

See my current issues/enhancement list

Caution: Moderation (of everything) is enabled (with some strange side effects let's see if you notice!)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Edit your text here..

This text will only appear on after the reader clicks "continue reading.." Delete if NOT needed

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Edit your text here..This is a test to SE any reason why the new editor strips out class from html in the post template? It breaks the old readmore version!!any reason why the new editor strips out class from html in the post template? It breaks the old readmore version!!any reason why the new editor strips out class from html in the post template? It breaks the old readmore version!!any reason why the new editor strips out class from html in the post template? It breaks the old readmore version!!any reason why the new editor strips out class from html in the post template? It breaks the old readmore version!!any reason why the new editor strips out class from html in the post template? It breaks the old readmore version!!

This text will only appear on after the reader clicks "continue reading.." Delete if NOT needed

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

testing Amazon Associates

I'm amazed there isn't any configurability in the way this works..Always to the left.

When will the same integration level exist between picasa and blogger?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Media RSS check

Check out my It's New to Me blog on posterous.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Review Gadget

The review gadget appears to be a just a standard comment gadget with a rating.

How do ratings get collated into a top rated posts list etc? (similar to recommended posts). Just like the ratings gadget but site based scope without the comments included.

An interesting side effect appears when a page scoped gadget appears on the main blog page, it seems to pick up the ratings from the main page (I just installed this and got some old ratings)!!

Since it IS a comment box + ratings, the comment appears in both places. It appears correctly in the social bar comments, but how do I replace the standard socialbar comments box with the ratings one (if I wanted to)?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Share this

Skin parameters don't seem to work!!